Why Choose RMS For Your Gambling Tax Refund

We know you have options when claiming your US gambling tax refund. Here are the reasons we think RMS is the best option for you:

100% Success Rate

In all our years of operation, we have never been denied a rightful gambling tax refund by the IRS. Yet each year, clients come to us needing help to appeal denied claims they made through other avenues. Once a gambling tax refund is denied, the appeal is more difficult to navigate than the claim itself. Refunds are not a guarantee, but our attention to detail and position in the industry ensures that we never make this mistake.

The Easiest Gambling Tax Refund Option

We offer the only way to apply for your refund in One Simple Step™. One Simple Step™ lets you to apply for your gambling tax refund by just signing where indicated. That’s it, we take care of the rest. This is a far cry from managing the many forms required when filing directly to the IRS. Check out our reviews to see how other customers have enjoyed our service too.

The One-Stop Gambling Tax Refund Option

We are a gambling tax refund agency that is also qualified to certify your ID. When applying for a refund, the IRS requires your ID be certified which means that if you apply through a different avenue, you may have to make an extra stop somewhere else that offers this service.

Daily contact with the IRS

After over 20 years of daily contact with the IRS, we are able to ensure more efficient gaming and casino tax refund claims. We connect more easily and more often with IRS agents to get issues resolved more quickly than a less experienced person or company.

Most Experienced Gaming & Casino Tax Refund Agency in Canada

We are the oldest active gambling tax refund agency in Canada. Since 1998 we have completed more refunds than any of our competitors. This is due to our exceptional service, offering the easiest process around, and our focus on accuracy.

Relationship with Gaming Establishments and Casinos in the US

We have long-standing relationships with most major gaming establishments and casinos in the US. This allows us to retrieve any information needed for your refund. This includes the 1042 form that is issued to you by the establishment upon taxation. If you lose your 1042, we can retrieve it for you, no problem.

Canadian Chartered Accountant Owned and Operated

When applying for a gambling tax refund through an agency, it is important to ensure they are operated by a Canadian Chartered Accountant. This provides insurance to you that your refund claim is in the hands of a company with appropriate expertise and will be handled with professionalism.
Apply to RMS now for free, we look forward to helping you relive your winning moment.

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