Understanding US tax on gambling

Here’s a few things you need to understand about the US tax on gambling

If you’re looking to take an American gambling vacation, it’s important to keep in mind Uncle Sam will dip into your pockets if you’re a foreign national trying to take your winnings home.

However, there’s no need to despair when you find out the IRS wants 30% tax on gambling winnings withheld. Here at RMS, we’ve been in the business since 1998 of getting as much of your winnings as possible back for you and all you need to do is follow a few easy-to-understand steps and we will take over from there.

You need to pit your winnings against your losses so we can come up with the right numbers to show the IRS. That means you need to document everything with receipts from all the casinos and other gaming institutions you play at while you’re down south.

Remember, when it comes to successful tax on gambling refunds, we’re the experts that are unparalleled in customer satisfaction and great service. Why not get in touch with us today so we can fill you in on how we can work as a team to get money back on that tax on gambling that’s even paid in US dollars?

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