Casino Winnings

Keep more of your US casino winnings with Canadian refund services

There’s no reason to be dismayed when you find out that Uncle Sam wants to keep a large portion of your casino winnings that you’d hoped to bring back to Canada. All you need to do is find the right help and you’ll get a refund. Looking at what Canadian refund management services can do for you should be a priority. It puts more of the money you win down south back in your pocket.

All you have to do is sit down in front of your computer to get started. Getting the required U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) isn’t something that you need to concern yourself with when you use one of these services. You can even look forward to getting a cheque within 12 to 15 weeks in many cases. Choosing the right Canadian refund management service makes all the difference.

Narrowing down the choices is easier than you might think. Look for the place that is run by or owned by people who know how to claim back the 30% withholding tax that Canadian and International winners face. Find out if the company is a registered agent of the IRS and if they have chartered accountants working for them.

Remember, you can claim tax refunds on casino winnings that go back three calendar years when you have the right refund management services on your side. They know all about the eligibility requirements and what you need to file to get your money back from south of the border.

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