Toronto, Canada – October 28, 2015 – Refund Management Services (, the number one choice for Canada’s biggest winners for U.S. gaming and casino tax refunds, is commenting on the opening of the new Nambé Falls Casino in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Refund Management Services also reminds those gambling in the United States that their winnings could be subject to a 30% withholding tax.
Nambé Falls Casino is located 30 minutes north of Santa Fe County and the 15th pueblo in New Mexico to build a casino. New Mexico also has five commercial casinos. The 7,300-square-foot building, which will be opening in mid-December, has 180 slot machines. (Source: Ragan, T. “Game On: Nambé Pueblo set to open new casino in mid-December to shore up local economy,” article, October 14, 2015;
“As a smaller facility, the Nambé Falls Casino does not have craps or poker, and is intended to be a more intimate environment for those who love to play slots,” says Brooke Sacks, Vice President of Marketing & Business Development, at Refund Management Services. “Those that want a Las Vegas style experience can visit the gigantic 61,000-square-foot Buffalo Thunder Casino and Resort less than a kilometer away.”
Sacks explains that for Canadians and other non-U.S. residents, regardless if they play slots at a small casino or large venue, significant winnings, typically over $1,200, are considered income by the IRS and are subject to a 30% withholding tax. However, it depends on the players’ country of origin—all may be eligible for a refund though. Canada has signed a treaty with the U.S., and those countries that haven’t, include Australia, China, Mexico, India, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand. Based on a recent court case, residents from these countries may be eligible as well if they meet certain criteria.
“As registered Certified acceptance agents, the Chartered Accountants at Refund Management Services can help non-U.S. residents recoup some or all of their 30% gambling winnings withheld by IRS,” Sacks concludes. “Refund Management Services has successfully completed the most U.S. gaming tax refunds for Canadians and other non-U.S. residents since 1998.”
To find out how Refund Management Services can help with U.S. gambling tax recovery, visit
Founded and owned by a Canadian Chartered Accountant, Refund Management Services is the most reputable casino and gaming tax recovery service in the industry. As registered Certified acceptance agents, Refund Management Services (RMS) helps Canadians and other non-U.S. residents recover all or a portion of their taxes up to 3 years after their winnings have been withheld. With the expertise in gaming-related tax laws, RMS understands all the IRS requirements to ensure that any entitled refund is successfully recovered. RMS only gets paid for successful gambling tax refunds. RMS is a member of the Better Business Bureau and the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.
Contact Refund Management Services toll free from the United States and Canada at 1-888-272-5559. Or email RMS: