Casino Tax Refund for Canadians

Refund management services get your casino winnings back

Refund Management Services has never been denied a rightful claim by the Internal Revenue Agency when claiming gaming winnings for their clients.Unlike Canadian casinos, US casinos often charge tax on your winnings. Having money flowing in from gambling winnings puts you on the government’s radar, and that’s as true here as it is in the United States, where Canadian and International winners are subject to a 30% withholding tax. This U.S. non-resident tax can put a dent in the amount you get in the end, but Refund Management Services work within the system to get that cash back to you.

Look for the professionals with proven experience and glowing customer testimonials on their website. Refund Management Services is recognized by the IRS and the Better Business Bureau and has offices on both sides of the border. We promise we will handle refunds quickly and professionally.

Remember that winnings from a Canadian casino might land on the government’s radar depending on the circumstances, but the money you win south of the border will need professionals to get you the refund you’re entitled to. They know all about the documentation required through proper legal avenues like the 1996 Canadian/US Tax Treaty. Look for a section on any of the websites you come across that is clear about eligibility requirements. Specifics about the taxable games that can be included in any refund application is also helpful.

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