RMS Can Help You Recover From Casino Winnings Tax

Everyone that gambles knows the old saying about the house always winning, but when you head to the United States to do a little gambling, it’s important to know what you can do to get as much back from the casino winning tax rate the IRS charges foreign nationals that win big or small.

You just need to have the professionals on your side that know how to reclaim your gambling tax so your victories are that much sweeter. We can help. Refund Management Services was established in 1998 to help Canadians that gamble in the United States get as much back as possible from the money that’s withheld by the American government.

We can work with you to accomplish this goal and all you need to do to help us get started is supply the right identification. Three acceptable forms of ID get the ball rolling and we often suggest that a passport, a birth certificate or voter’s registration is great.

Don’t let Uncle Sam ruin your American gambling vacation by imposing a casino winning tax rate that leaves your pockets empty. Get in touch with us here at RMS today and let us help.

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